Monday, July 12, 2010

New events!

Hey all. It's been quiet around here lately. But we're gearing up to get some new events going.

Joining me on the Salt City Skeptics organizing team are now Rachel and Amanda. If you haven't yet met either of them, introduce yourself at an upcoming event.

Speaking of upcoming events, we're restarting consistent monthly Drinking Skeptically events, new night and location, the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Beerhive (128 South Main Street), 7:00. The next DS will be August 10. See you there!

Which brings me to Skepticamp. But Skepticamp deserves it's own post, so with no further ado...

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to meeting Rachel! I was wondering, if you organizers have titles? Like, are you (Patrick) the "President" of Salt City Skeptics?
